The main outcome of our project is scalable, standards-aligned STEAM curriculum for grades 6-8 that explore topics of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data, and computer vision. The lessons were created by local middle school teachers in consultation with researchers. All materials are open source and free for anyone to use and adapt.
For our broad AI topic lessons, please see the curriculum Foundations page.
See featured lessons below, browse lessons by subject, or or to search through all 60+ lessons, view our Lesson Index
Get familiar with the 3 most common software tools utilized in our curriculum
Google's Teachable Machine
Anyone can build a browser-based image classification algorithm in minutes, with no code
(review) Google's Teachable Machine 2.0
Teachable Machine Step-by-Step Introdution
Teachable Machine Audio Model step-by-step
a free, online 3D modeling program created by AutoDesk, designed for kids and schools, with existing curriculum and easy to implement in public schools.
Featured Lessons
Visualizing Literature Through AI Text-to-Image
Author: Sam Young
Students use a text-to-image generator to explore visual characteristics of a main character in a novel. Standard: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums
Designing Buildings to Withstand Earthquakes
Author: Kara Somers
Students use Tinkercad's 3D design tools to create a building and then test how sturdy it is with the earthquake simulater in Tinkercad Sim Lab.
Lesson Documents for Designing Buildings to Withstand Earthquakes
Selective Breeding Lab using Generative AI
Author: Roger Peck
Students learn about genetics and selective breeding and use GenAI to attempt to create images of dogs with specific genetic traits.
Cancer Diagnosis Using Real Imaging: Image Classification as Mitosis and Non-Mitosis
Author: Daniel Schack
Students learn about mitosis and then train Teachable Machine to distinguish between mitosis and non-mitosis slides using a real dataset.
ImageSTEAM Copy of Mitosis Slides.pptx
Download Real Dataset:
What is a Pixel?
Author: Ariel Roller
Students create pixel art using a digital tool,, and complete a design challenge that allows them to practice ratios and fractions. Assessment is built-in to the calculations required for the final design challenge submission. Allows for creativity, strategic thinking, and an optional opportunity for friendly competition.
Author: Ariel Roller
Visualizing African Population and Trade
Author: Derek McVey
Compare and contrast regions of Africa and use AI art to help visualize the differences.
Standard: Learn about the physical characteristics of the Sahara, Sahel, Savanna, and tropical rainforest regions of Africa; Understand how these physical characteristics affect where and how people live and how they trade throughout each region.
Designing Assistive Devices using Pixlr X and TinkerCAD
Author: Lashandia Hill
Students use digital tools and the iterative engineering design process to design a device they can use in a kitchen to help organize things used everyday.
Standard: CSS.IDC.6-8.29 Create digital artifacts to address a current issue requiring resolution.
Engineering Design Process, Sign Language, and ML
Author: Dan Schack
Students use their understanding of the engineering and design process to design a teachable machine to translate American Sign Language. Standards alignment: MS-ETS1-1.

Predicting Hurricane damage with AI
Author: Cassandra Tejeda
Students use a real data set of 10,000 satalite images from after Hurricane Harvey to train a machine learning model to predict flood damage areas
Download Hurricane Images Dataset (10,000 images, 46 MB)v

Human Vision vs. Computer Vision
Author: Nancy Holt
How is human vision related to computer vision?
Students will be able to compare and contrast how a human eye and a computer camera perceive color. Students investigate and analyze visual illusions using image editing software.

Cats, Dogs, and Sample Sizes: Bias, Classification, and Statistics in AI
Author: Myranda Carbone
Students train their own image classifier using different sample sizes and evaluate the system for bias based on dataset bias and sample size.
AZ 8.G.C.9, AZ 7.G.B.6
download the lesson folder with all components, including slides, 6 datasets of different sizes, trained models, worksheets, rubric, and more: Carbone W2 Cats Dogs Sample Size and Bias Lesson Plans and data
Search our Lesson Index to see all 60+ lessons, sorted and labeled by topic and tool. Or browse featured lessons by category: ELA and Social Studies | Arts and Design | EngineeringSTEM | Math | Science