Arts and Design Lessons


Exposure Triangle Data Visualization Project

Author: Bonnie Castillo

Students learn the exposure triangle by taking images of the same subject at different settings and then graphing them onto the exposure triangle.

Lesson Documents for Exposure Triangle Data Visualization


Fill Text with an Image

Author: Brenda Frank

Students use an image editing program (Pixlr) and learn the basics of masking to create a text/image fill of their own design

Standards: CTE Graphic Design raster images composition, Visual Arts Creating using tools, materials, and process.

Lesson documents folder


Editing Color in Images (Special Education 6th grade art and tech project)

Author: Emma Piaseczynski

Special Education students learn about image editing and digital color and create their own edited version of the same image as classmate.

Lesson Documents for Editing color in Images


AI Color Clothing Assistant

Author: Matthew Scilley

Students use a pre-trained model to show what color outfit they are wearing. They can explore the dataset and learn about colorblindness.

Connecting 10.a. Synthesize and Relate Knowledge and Personal Experiences to Make Art - Make art collaboratively to reflect on and reinforce positive aspects of group identity. Connecting 11.a. Relate Artistic Ideas and Works with Societal, Cultural, and Historical Context to Deepen Understanding - Distinguish different ways art is used to represent, establish, reinforce, and reflect group identity (e.g., examining art related to musical groups, international costumes, sports teams, special interest clubs).

Lesson Documents and Datasets for AI Color Clothing Assistant (including 54mb dataset)

Link to pretrained model to test out yourself:


What is a Pixel?

Students create pixel art using a digital tool,, and complete a design challenge that allows them to practice ratios and fractions. Assessment is built-in to the calculations required for the final design challenge submission. Allows for creativity, strategic thinking, and an optional opportunity for friendly competition.

Lesson Plan Document

Lesson Slides lesson

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